
  1. 2. A printed or illustrated advertisement, often featuring artwork or graphics, used for promotional or decorative purposes.
  2. 4. An institution that collects, preserves, and displays artworks and other objects of cultural, historical, or scientific importance for public viewing and study.
  3. 7. An exceptionally outstanding or renowned work of art, often considered the artist's best or most significant creation.
  4. 9. To emphasize or draw attention to a particular area or element within an artwork, often using brighter colors, stronger lines, or contrast.
  5. 12. A genre of art that depicts inanimate objects, such as flowers, fruit, or everyday items, arranged in a composition.
  6. 13. Visual images or designs created using computer software or other artistic techniques.
  7. 14. A painting technique that uses water-soluble pigments, typically applied to paper, creating transparent or semi-transparent washes of color.
  8. 15. A type of paint made by mixing pigments with oil, typically linseed oil. It is commonly used for painting on canvas.
  9. 17. A period in European history, spanning roughly from the 14th to the 17th century, characterized by a revival of interest in the arts, literature, and sciences.
  10. 18. The part of a painting, drawing, or photograph that appears farthest from the viewer, often providing context or setting.
  1. 1. An exceptionally talented or gifted individual, often used to describe artists with exceptional creative abilities.
  2. 3. A representation or likeness of a person, usually focusing on their face or figure.
  3. 5. A rough or unfinished drawing or painting, often used as a preliminary study or plan for a more detailed artwork.
  4. 6. A genre of art that depicts natural scenery, such as mountains, valleys, forests, or fields.
  5. 8. A public display or showing of artworks, often organized by galleries, museums, or art institutions.
  6. 10. A space, usually indoors, where artworks are displayed for public viewing and sale.
  7. 11. The part of a painting, drawing, or photograph that appears closest to the viewer, often drawing attention to the main subject.
  8. 16. A strong, woven fabric typically used as a surface for painting.