
  1. 2. Art Creating art using fabrics and textiles, like quilting or embroidery.
  2. 5. Creating artwork by making prints from a carved or engraved surface.
  3. 7. Design Designing visual content using computer software.
  4. 9. Creating sounds and melodies using instruments or the voice.
  5. 11. Creating artwork by assembling small pieces of colored glass, tiles, or stones.
  6. 14. Making functional or decorative objects out of clay.
  7. 15. Creating pictures using paints and brushes.
  8. 16. Making artwork by combining different materials like paper, fabric, and photos.
  1. 1. Creating accessories like necklaces and bracelets using beads and metals.
  2. 3. Taking pictures using a camera or mobile device.
  3. 4. Writing beautifully with decorative and artistic lettering.
  4. 6. Producing videos or movies with a camera and editing software.
  5. 8. Folding paper to create shapes and objects.
  6. 10. Creating 3D objects using materials like clay or wood.
  7. 12. Making objects like pots and bowls out of clay.
  8. 13. Making pictures using pencils, pens, or markers.