
  1. 4. I'm a sketch made with lines and strokes, capturing moments and evoking hopes.
  2. 5. I'm the art of beautiful writing, with strokes and flourishes so inviting.
  3. 10. I'm art made from clay, molded and fired, ready to display.
  4. 11. I'm a paint that's light and transparent, creating dreamy scenes with care apparent.
  5. 13. I'm a method of creating multiple copies, like a stamp that never stops.
  6. 14. I'm a work of art created with brushes and colors, telling stories that never falter.
  1. 1. I'm a large artwork on a wall, telling stories that stand tall.
  2. 2. I'm a quick and simple drawing, capturing ideas that keep on flowing.
  3. 3. I'm a three-dimensional creation, carved or molded with dedication.
  4. 4. I'm the plan and blueprint, making things aesthetic and astute.
  5. 6. I'm art that's not quite clear, with shapes and colors that may appear queer.
  6. 7. I'm a way to capture the world in a frame, freezing moments that never wane.
  7. 8. I'm art that's rebellious and bold, painted on walls for stories to be told.
  8. 9. I'm a creative mix of papers and images, like a puzzle with different stages.
  9. 12. I'm a soft and malleable material, shaped by hands into something exceptional.