
  1. 7. Designing and constructing buildings, considering functionality, aesthetics, and safety.
  2. 8. Making pictures or illustrations using pencils, pens, or other drawing tools.
  3. 10. Creating pottery or objects made from clay or other materials, often using techniques like molding and firing.
  4. 14. Writing letters or characters in a decorative and artistic manner, often using special pens or brushes.
  5. 15. Creating art using paints and brushes, often on a canvas or paper.
  6. 16. Reading and writing books, stories, poems, and other forms of written work.
  1. 1. Performing plays, musicals, or other dramatic works on stage, involving acting, singing, and dancing.
  2. 2. Creating three-dimensional art by shaping or carving materials like clay, stone, or wood.
  3. 3. Creating or playing musical sounds using instruments or the voice.
  4. 4. Making art by combining various materials like paper, fabric, or photographs to create a new composition.
  5. 5. Capturing images using a camera to express creativity and document moments.
  6. 6. Planning and creating visual or functional solutions for products, graphics, or spaces.
  7. 9. Creating or watching movies or videos that tell stories through moving images and sound.
  8. 11. Creating three-dimensional art by shaping or carving materials like clay, stone, or wood.
  9. 12. Moving rhythmically to music, expressing emotions and telling stories through body movements.
  10. 13. Performing plays, musicals, or other dramatic works on stage, involving acting, singing, and dancing.