
  1. 4. It is a stand used by artists to support and hold their canvas or drawing board while they work. It provides stability and allows for easy adjustments of the artwork's position.
  2. 7. It is a technique where different materials such as paper, photographs, or fabric are combined and glued onto a surface to create a composition.
  3. 8. It is the art of capturing images using a camera. It involves composing and capturing moments or scenes to tell a story or convey emotions.
  4. 10. It is an artist who creates sculptures or three-dimensional artworks. They use various techniques and materials to shape and mold their creations.
  5. 12. It is an artist who creates visual representations and drawings for books, magazines, or other publications.
  6. 13. It is the act of creating pictures or designs using paint on a canvas or other surfaces. It can be a way to express emotions and ideas through colors and shapes.
  7. 14. It is a quick and rough drawing that captures the basic elements or outlines of a subject. It's often used as a preliminary step before creating a more detailed artwork.
  1. 1. It is the process of creating pictures or designs using pencils, pens, or other tools. It can be a way to capture the world around us or to create imaginative scenes and characters.
  2. 2. It is a type of moist and malleable earth used in pottery and sculpture. It can be shaped, molded, and fired to create various ceramic objects.
  3. 3. It is the art of creating three-dimensional objects by carving, modeling, or molding materials such as clay, stone, or metal.
  4. 5. It is the art of beautiful and decorative handwriting. It involves skilled penmanship and the creation of artistic letterforms using specific tools like brushes or pens.
  5. 6. It is the art of creating ceramic objects like bowls, vases, or plates by shaping and firing clay. It involves molding and glazing techniques to create functional or decorative pieces.
  6. 9. It is a flat surface, often made of wood or plastic, used by artists to mix and hold their paint colors.
  7. 11. It is the art of creating images or patterns by arranging small colored pieces, such as glass, tiles, or stones, into a larger design.