
  1. 1. Capturing and preserving moments or scenes using a camera and techniques such as composition and lighting.
  2. 4. Design Creating unique and stylish clothing and accessories using various fabrics, colors, and patterns.
  3. 6. Creating written works such as novels, poems, and short stories to entertain, inform, or evoke emotions.
  4. 8. Producing sounds and melodies using instruments or vocals to express emotions or tell a story.
  5. 9. Art Producing artwork using digital tools and software, including digital painting, graphic design, and animation.
  6. 11. Creating pottery or clay objects by shaping, molding, and firing them in a kiln.
  7. 12. Creating images or designs using various colors and brushstrokes on a canvas or other surfaces.
  8. 13. Genre Description
  9. 14. Performing live plays, musicals, or other dramatic works on stage, combining acting, music, and storytelling.
  1. 1. Making prints of artwork by transferring ink or paint onto paper or other materials using techniques like etching or screen printing.
  2. 2. Moving rhythmically and gracefully to music, expressing ideas or emotions through body movements.
  3. 3. Media Combining various materials and techniques, such as collage, assemblage, and layering, to create unique and textured artworks.
  4. 5. Telling stories or conveying messages through a series of moving images, often accompanied by sound and music.
  5. 7. Designing and constructing buildings or structures that are aesthetically pleasing and functional.
  6. 9. Creating pictures or illustrations using lines, shapes, and shading techniques with pencils, pens, or other tools.
  7. 10. Making three-dimensional artwork by shaping or carving materials such as stone, wood, or clay.