
  1. 3. Capturing images using a camera.
  2. 5. crafts Creating various objects and decorations using paper, like origami or paper cutting.
  3. 6. Making artwork by combining different materials, like paper, fabric, and photos.
  4. 8. Creating three-dimensional artworks using materials like clay, wood, or metal.
  5. 10. Creating multiple copies of an image using techniques like stamps or stencils.
  6. 11. Using brushes and colors to create images on paper or canvas.
  7. 12. Making pictures using pencils, crayons, or markers.
  8. 14. Drawing with dark, blackened sticks made from burnt wood.
  1. 1. Painting with transparent colors that can be mixed with water.
  2. 2. Making pictures or patterns by arranging small, colored pieces of glass or tile.
  3. 3. Shaping clay into bowls, vases, or other objects and firing them in a kiln.
  4. 4. Using fast-drying paints made of pigment and plastic to create artworks.
  5. 7. Folding paper to create various shapes and figures.
  6. 9. Writing in a decorative and artistic way using special pens or brushes.
  7. 13. Using soft, colored chalks to create drawings with rich, vibrant colors.