
  1. 4. Making artwork by gluing various materials like paper, fabric, or photos onto a surface.
  2. 5. Shaping materials like clay, wire, or wood to create sculptures or three-dimensional artwork.
  3. 6. Folding paper to make various shapes and figures.
  4. 7. Art that does not represent specific objects or people but instead uses shapes, colors, and lines.
  5. 9. Making pictures by using pencils, pens, or other tools.
  6. 10. Creating objects like bowls or vases from clay by molding and firing them in a kiln.
  7. 11. Taking pictures using a camera to capture moments and scenes.
  8. 12. Making prints of artwork by carving or etching a design onto a surface and transferring ink to it.
  1. 1. Creating pictures or patterns by arranging small colored pieces, like tiles or glass, on a surface.
  2. 2. Painting with transparent water-based paints.
  3. 3. Writing beautiful and decorative letters using a special pen or brush.
  4. 5. Creating three-dimensional artwork by shaping materials like clay, wood, or stone.
  5. 8. Creating rough or unfinished drawings to capture ideas or observations.