
  1. 2. Art Creating art in public spaces like walls or sidewalks, often using spray paint, stencils, or other techniques to make bold and expressive statements.
  2. 6. Creating stories or narratives using moving images, combining acting, cinematography, editing, and sound to create a visual storytelling experience.
  3. 7. Making pictures using pencils, pens, or other drawing tools, focusing on lines, shapes, shading, and details to create realistic or imaginative images.
  4. 9. Creating pictures using various colors and brushes on canvas or paper, allowing artists to express their ideas, emotions, and observations visually.
  5. 10. Art Using the human body, movement, gestures, or spoken words to create an artistic performance, often conveying ideas, emotions, or social commentary.
  6. 11. Molding clay into various shapes, such as bowls or vases, and then firing or glazing them to create functional or decorative ceramic objects.
  7. 13. Assembling small pieces of colored glass, tile, or other materials to create a larger image or pattern, often seen in murals or decorative art pieces.
  8. 15. Capturing images using a camera to document moments, places, or people, using techniques like composition, lighting, and perspective.
  1. 1. Folding paper into intricate shapes and figures, following specific folding techniques and patterns, to create beautiful and delicate paper art.
  2. 3. Writing or designing beautiful and decorative letters using a pen or brush, paying attention to strokes, curves, and the overall visual harmony of words.
  3. 4. Creating artwork by combining and arranging various materials like paper, fabric, or photographs, to form a new and cohesive visual composition.
  4. 5. Making multiple copies of an artwork by creating a design on a surface like wood or linoleum, and then transferring the image onto paper or fabric.
  5. 8. Design Designing visual elements such as logos, posters, or websites, using a combination of typography, images, and layout to communicate a specific message.
  6. 12. Art Creating art using textiles, fabrics, or fibers, employing techniques like weaving, embroidery, or quilting to produce unique and tactile artworks.
  7. 14. Shaping and carving materials like clay, wood, or stone to create three-dimensional artworks, often representing people, animals, or abstract forms.