
  1. 2. A form of art that involves creating sculptures from clay or ceramics.
  2. 5. The Spanish painter famous for "Guernica" and "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon."
  3. 8. The French artist known for the "Water Lilies" series.
  4. 9. The art movement that features distorted and dreamlike images.
  5. 12. The technique of cutting and pasting different materials to create art.
  6. 14. A famous Spanish surrealist painter known for "The Persistence of Memory."
  7. 15. GoghA famous Dutch painter known for "Starry Night" and "Sunflowers."
  8. 16. The Italian sculptor famous for his statue of David and "Pieta."
  9. 18. The process of creating a design by cutting into a surface, often a woodblock.
  10. 19. The art style that emerged in the 1960s, emphasizing everyday objects.
  11. 20. The period in art history that emphasized emotional expression and nature.
  1. 1. The technique of applying paint to wet plaster.
  2. 3. A Japanese art form of folding paper into various shapes.
  3. 4. A type of art made by arranging and gluing various material
  4. 6. The Italian art period known for its focus on symmetry and balance.
  5. 7. A famous Italian painter known for "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper."
  6. 10. The art style characterized by flat, colorful shapes and bold outlines.
  7. 11. The Italian artist known for the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
  8. 13. The Dutch artist famous for his realistic genre paintings
  9. 17. The French art movement known for its use of pointillism and vibrant colors.