art and war

  1. 5. christanto 1996-97
  2. 6. building created between 1601-9 in the hyoga prefecture
  3. 9. artist and date of angelo emo's memorial
  4. 10. goya's 1814 painting
  5. 11. picasso circa 1937
  6. 12. richter's 2005 painting
  7. 13. bertelli's rendition of fascist leader in 1933
  1. 1. rachel whiteread's memorial in 2000
  2. 2. delacroix's 1830 painting
  3. 3. the imperial war museum north's architect and date
  4. 4. the 1999 design of 3 down
  5. 7. goya's 3rd etching in the disasters of war series 1810-20
  6. 8. canova making shorty tall 1802-1806
  7. 10. Ibrahim el-salahi's installation in 1985-6