Art Fanatics 2021

  1. 2. Ways that art "building blocks" are arranged; Design.
  2. 5. An art element; 2-D flat outline; Circles/Squares.
  3. 8. An art medium; Art that is three dimensional (3-D)
  4. 9. An art element; A visual element defined by its pigment/hue, value and intensity.
  5. 10. A design principle; Sense of creating motion.
  6. 13. A location where art is hung/displayed for the public.
  7. 15. An art medium; Art that uses paint and a brush to create an image.
  8. 16. An art style; Art that looks just like its subject.
  9. 20. A tool used to cut objects, like paper. Hint: NEVER run holding these!
  10. 22. A design principle; Repetition of shapes, colours, lines or symbols.
  11. 23. An art element; Creating the illusion of a 3-D object on a 2-D surface.
  12. 24. A design principle; Showing different shapes, colours, lines or symbols.
  13. 25. An art element; Marks made on a surface, usually straight.
  1. 1. A person who creates art.
  2. 3. Basic "building blocks" used to create art; Art.
  3. 4. An art element; How something feels/looks like how it would feel.
  4. 6. Different types of art tools and materials.
  5. 7. A design principle; Symmetry/Asymmetry are used to create this.
  6. 11. An art element; The range of lightness to darkness.
  7. 12. An art style; Art that represents a feeling instead of an object.
  8. 14. A design principle; Directing attention to a specific thing in an image.
  9. 17. A design principle; Size relationship between two objects in an image.
  10. 18. A design principle; The sense that several objects in an image "belong" together
  11. 19. A tool used to stick two or more pieces of something together. Hint: can come in sticks or bottles.
  12. 21. An art element; Both positive and negative areas are used to create a sense of depth.