Art Grade 6 - Review Topics Crossword

  1. 5. Lines can be used on the face of a character to show emotion like angry or sad.
  2. 6. An _________ is like a circle, but longer in shape.
  3. 7. One of the few Geometric Shapes in nature is the body of a sea _____.
  4. 9. Three-Dimensional Shapes are also called _______.
  5. 10. A Sphere is round no matter which direction it is looked at.
  6. 12. Two-Dimensional Shapes are _____, which means they have no thickness.
  7. 13. A cube has six faces and _______ corners.
  8. 15. One important way we use lines is in __________ to make sure things are the right size or straight.
  9. 16. ________ Shapes are random and usually one of a kind.
  1. 1. The cells in beehives are shaped like a _______.
  2. 2. _________ Lines go from one place to another without deviating.
  3. 3. A soda can has the shape of a ________.
  4. 4. A _________ has five straight sides.
  5. 8. ________ Art uses shapes to express ideas.
  6. 11. _______ are the number of ways a shape can be measured.
  7. 14. ____________ Shapes have an exact number of sides or curves.