Art Hazards

  1. 2. type of fire extinguisher recommended for most art studios
  2. 4. a body organ especially sensitive to carbon monoxide, barium compounds and cobalt compounds
  3. 5. in case of a chemical splash in the ... rinse for at least 15 minutes and contact a physician
  4. 8. this method should be tried before respirator use
  5. 10. a device used to fire pottery which needs local exhaust ventilation because of toxic gases and fumes
  6. 15. type of radiation that can cause cateracts in glass blowers, potters, enamellists and foundry workers (abbrev)
  7. 16. dizziness, nausea, headaches and so on are ... signs of overexposure to solvent vapours
  8. 17. lung irritants can cause lung tissue to ... mucus to assist in eliminating the irritant from the lungs
  9. 18. toxic metal found in stained glass, pottery, enamelling, painting, etc
  10. 19. finding safer versions of toxic materials is the first choice in hazard prevention
  11. 22. ... all containers in order to prevent evaporation of solvents or escape of dusts
  12. 23. occupational diseases of this organ include silicosis, pulmonary edema, bronchitis and cancer
  13. 24. "...with adequate ventilation" is a warning found on many labels of art materials
  14. 25. art materials can only affect internal organs if the get ... the body
  15. 27. a poor housekeeping method that stirs up dust
  16. 30. airborne substances produced during etching, photography, welding, kiln firing, etc
  17. 31. a type of personal protective equipment for the hands
  18. 32. ...damage may be caused by lead, mercury, arsenic, n-hexane, etc
  1. 1. the major way in which dusts, gases, vapours, fumes and spray mists can enter the body
  2. 3. respirators should be the ... resort in prevention rather than the first
  3. 6. is one of the ways in which chemicals can affect the body
  4. 7. a type of personal protective equipment to use against airborne toxic chemicals
  5. 9. an allergic reaction in the lungs caused by coldwater dyes, formaldehyde, isocyanates in polyurethane resins, western red cedar, moulds and many other art materials
  6. 11. may cause permanent hearing damage after several years of sufficient exposure
  7. 12. -based materials are safer replacements for solvent-based materials
  8. 13. can cause lung cancer, stomach cancer, mesothelioma and lung fibrosis
  9. 14. if you ...while working, you may ingest your art materials
  10. 17. one of the major causes of chronic bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, heart disease, etc
  11. 20. eating, drinking or smoking while working can result in art materials entering the body by this way
  12. 21. a highly toxic substance found in most clays, many stones, sand and investment plaster
  13. 26. toxic organic ... are found in paint and lacquer thinners, varnishes, paint removers, degreasers, plastics, cements, adhesives etc
  14. 28. personal protective equipment for the eyes
  15. 29. solid particles that are an inhalation hazard when airborne