Art of Living Crossword Puzzle (Feb 2021)

  1. 2. Nature is worshipping you. —— is a replica of what nature does to you
  2. 3. Love is the greatest ——- on earth
  3. 9. Sign of Intelligence
  4. 10. An intense, unbearable —— is the last and the supreme form of Divine Love
  5. 11. Love gets expressed as ——-
  6. 13. Source is ——, Path is ——, Goal is ——
  7. 14. A caretaker, a ——-, has full authority of the home
  8. 17. When in devotion, —— does not come.
  9. 19. Means of knowing
  10. 20. Loving the Divine as your ——, as having born out of you
  1. 1. If you love somebody, their thought keeps ——, it’s effortless and meditative
  2. 2. In order to —— something, it needs an intense feeling of love inside
  3. 4. Wisdom is imparted in a —— manner
  4. 5. By completely offering your life to the Divine, that very moment all the —— disappears
  5. 6. Deep interest in the —— though God has no form
  6. 7. If you are in love, you feel —— because love makes you ——
  7. 8. Though Divine love is only one, it manifests in —— different forms
  8. 12. Who wrote the Bhakti Sutras?
  9. 15. There are —— four Bhakti sutras
  10. 16. If you could make the Divine as your life ——, your problem of loneliness will never come.
  11. 18. Love is ——- boundaries