Art Review

  1. 2. mixing paint with water and adding a thin layer to the canvas before starting your art
  2. 4. the blank area around the object in a piece
  3. 5. color scheme: green, blue, purple
  4. 9. EOA: a 3 dimensional object
  5. 11. color scheme: red, blue, yellow
  6. 14. shapes we see in nature
  7. 15. a chemical reaction that requires light
  8. 16. color scheme: colors on the opposite side of the color wheel
  9. 17. color scheme: red, orange, yellow
  1. 1. EOA: a 2 dimensional object
  2. 3. when an art piece only contains values of one color
  3. 6. shapes we study in math
  4. 7. painting with watercolor before even getting my brush wet
  5. 8. created the iconic Campbells Soup art
  6. 10. point in perspective drawings, this is the point the lines converge to
  7. 12. color scheme: mixing red and orange would make a _______ color.
  8. 13. color scheme: purple, orange, green