Art Studies 191

  1. 2. sea serpent prevalent in SEA Art
  2. 3. dominant force dictating culture at present (Globalization)
  3. 5. vitality; energy of things (Japanese Art)
  4. 6. painting is a ritual that embodies the cosmic force of order (Chinese Art)
  5. 7. challenge to pure or authentic identity (Colonial Art)
  6. 8. criticizes emptiness of Japanese consumer culture (Japanese Art)
  7. 9. analysis of the legacy of colonialism and imperialism
  8. 16. Philippine aesthetic of brightness of space (Philippine Art)
  9. 18. Chinese philosopher, author of the Five Classics (Chinese Art)
  1. 1. Proponent of postcolonialism; Edward ____
  2. 2. a return to traditional/ native forms in architecture (Philippine Art)
  3. 3. pioneering art historian of india (Indian Art)
  4. 4. Japanese variant of Buddhism emphasizing simplicity (Japanese Art)
  5. 10. depiction of Non-Western culture by the West
  6. 11. essence; energy (Chinese Art)
  7. 12. perception of beauty or taste
  8. 13. simple sophistication (Japanese Art)
  9. 14. acceptance of transience or imperfection (Japanese Art)
  10. 15. essence; dominant mental state (Indian art)
  11. 17. highest form of Chinese painting (Chinese Art)