Art Vocabulary

  1. 3. the way in which different elements of an artwork are combined
  2. 6. groups of colors that are next to each other on the color wheel
  3. 8. one color and all the shades of that color
  4. 11. you use this to show roughness, softness, etc.
  5. 14. shading behind graffiti letters
  6. 15. you can make this kind of artwork by mixing different tools like markers,newspaper,colored pencils, etc.
  7. 16. this can be curvy, straight, diagonal, etc.
  8. 21. red, yellow, orange, all of these colors are ____ colors
  9. 22. A certain kind of space where the figure is held
  10. 24. the colors that are in between the 6 main colors of the color wheel
  11. 25. You use this in an artwork to show shading and deep space
  12. 26. triangles, circles, squares, etc.
  1. 1. a certain kind of space where the figure is not held. “Free space”
  2. 2. where artists keep all of there work
  3. 4. green, blue, purple, all of these colors are ____ colors
  4. 5. you use this in a drawing to show action
  5. 7. the 3 colors that make all the secondary colors when mixed
  6. 9. a color made by mixing of two primary colors
  7. 10. colors that are across from each other on the color wheel
  8. 12. a gradual blending from on color to another color
  9. 13. framework that you use to build a sculpture
  10. 17. Piece of paper, metal, plastic or rubber carrying an image to be reproduced using a printing press
  11. 18. a copy or replica of an artwork is called an ____
  12. 19. when you copy someone else’s artwork without consent or credit
  13. 20. colors black, grey, white are all ____ colors
  14. 23. an artists written description of there work