
  1. 2. are not colors, black is absense of all colors, white is the presence of all color.
  2. 5. Color Wheel 12 Colors/24 Colors
  3. 7. size differences
  4. 10. Green, Violet, and Organge
  5. 11. the elements combined
  6. 13. has 3 properties, color-Hue or Chroma, Value(black/white/grey), Intensity (bright vs. dull)
  7. 15. Cube,Sphere, Cone, Cylinder, Pyramid, and Prism. All of the objects and thing in the world can be simplified to these forms. This is how you can draw more complicated forms by looking at the basic forms with in the objects and how they are contructed.
  8. 16. has depth, 3-D, forms are solid objects
  9. 17. the use of common elements throughout the format so that one area is not left without some of these elements. Color, Values, textures, objects can be balanced. There is Asymmetrical/informal balance and symmetrical/formal balance
  10. 19. Drawing styles of pen and ink include crosshatching, Dots, Directional lines, cross hair, and scumbling. The closer the lines or dots are together the darker the area will become. You can use any combinations of lines to produce a drawing. Always start with the darkest area first
  11. 20. the gradual change from white to black showing all the grays.
  12. 21. a mode of design that has no recognizable objects but can be derived from a realist object with a finder.
  13. 22. YG, BG, BV, RV, YO, RO
  14. 24. the addition of white and black to a color to produce tints (add white) and shades (add black) of one color.
  15. 29. a mode of design that simplifies the most important aspects of an object. Flattens to 2-D, Shapes instead of forms.
  16. 30. the position of shapes, colors and values that will work well with each other and help to produce directional movement.
  17. 31. the colored pencil can be blended with soft layers to produce new colors. A gradation can be made by overlapping soft layers for two colors
  1. 1. is flat, 2-D, forms are solid objects
  2. 3. a special section or place in the format, the aesthesic center of interest is not in the middle but uses the division of thirds. Also called the center of interest, focal point.
  3. 4. the one continual line that describes the outside edge of an object. Thick and thin line produces variety.
  4. 6. Line,Shape,Form,Color,Texture,Value,Proportion
  5. 8. a gradual change between dark and light in drawing and painting. This can be created with a pencil by changing the pressure on the paper and by using small circular movements. A KNEADED eraser can soften the edge of a gradation by lifting graphite from the paper.
  6. 9. leads your eye through the format and to the area of emphasis by using a rhythmic overlay of shapes, color or value.
  7. 12. creates a shape, can be thick or thin, and creates texture
  8. 14. the complement of a color is located directly across the color wheel from another. Every color has a compliment and every complimentary pair has a warm color and cool color.
  9. 18. Dark and Light, in color, in drawing and in design
  10. 23. the variation of elements so as not to cause monotony
  11. 25. the neutral is a combination of a complementary pair and has no hue or chroma. It is called browns and is the source of a more natural color in nature. It can also be used to create shadows.
  12. 26. this project uses crayon (wax) to resist Tempera paint. The Tempera paint can be thinned with a heavy application of crayon the paint will resist the areas of crayon into the spaces left blank
  13. 27. YYG, GGY, YYO, OOY, BBG, GGB, RRV, VVR, Etc.
  14. 28. rough or smooth, implied or real
  15. 32. Red, Yellow, and Blue
  16. 33. color comes to us as bright as it canb be naturally; to dull the color you must add its compliment. The complementary color reduces the intensity of a color causing it to be dull and takes away its chroma.