
  1. 2. To make a picture
  2. 6. Quality of color.
  3. 8. Person who drowing pictures
  4. 11. Synthetic material used as a substitute for clay
  5. 13. Wide view of an extensive area in all directions
  6. 18. Object of producing
  7. 19. Something erected in memory of a person
  8. 20. Tool that is uses during painting
  1. 1. To put something
  2. 3. Picture of one person
  3. 4. Many photos
  4. 5. Instrument used for drawing
  5. 7. Vailable for people to see
  6. 9. Popular social network
  7. 10. Spanish painter
  8. 12. A lot of colors
  9. 14. Kazakh painter
  10. 15. A room or building in which people look at paintings
  11. 16. It is a visual representation of a person, object
  12. 17. A technique of painting with watercolors