Arthropod Classification Review

  1. 4. Spiders, along with some insects, have this structure on their posterior abdomen that makes silk (webs).
  2. 5. The insects in Order Orthoptera make this to woo their mates by rubbing their legs or wings together. Chirp-chirp!
  3. 6. Ants, bees, and wasps are in this Order of Class Insecta.
  4. 7. The animals in this class have a long tail called a telson that helps them steer and flip over.
  5. 11. Honey is bee _______ that they use to feed their larvae.
  6. 15. Smelly chemicals used by beetles (and many other animals) to communicate and find mates.
  7. 16. Hymenopterans are unique because they take care of the young of other individuals, which is called this.
  8. 17. This animal has feathery antennae and are more active at night.
  9. 18. This Class contains arthropods with 8 legs and 8+ eyes!
  10. 21. This class means "hundred feet" in Latin, because they can have over 100 legs.
  11. 22. Lepidopteran wings are made of many of these put together to form beautiful patterns.
  12. 24. Millipedes curl into a ball to protect themselves, which is called this.
  13. 25. This group has 10 legs and mostly live in the ocean.
  14. 27. When the appearance and/or behavior of an animal resembles a dangerous animal to scare predators.
  1. 1. The blood of these types of "crabs" are used to make human vaccines. They are endangered due to human harvesting.
  2. 2. Butterflies and moths are part of this Order of Class Insecta.
  3. 3. When the appearance and/or behavior of an animal allows it to blend into its environment to hide from predators.
  4. 8. Lepidopterans have a straw shaped mouth that can curl up, called this.
  5. 9. The Class of arthropods with round, tubular bodies and up to 400 legs
  6. 10. Centipedes and Arachnids can inject toxin into their prey or to defend themselves. The toxin is called this.
  7. 12. Arachnids and Crustaceans have a fused head and body, which is called this.
  8. 13. The only Hymenopteran that reproduces is called this. Her only job is to lay eggs for the colony.
  9. 14. This Class of arthropods all have 6 legs.
  10. 19. The forewings of beetles are hardened into protective cases called this, which protect the folded hindwings used for flight.
  11. 20. Most insects completely change their bodies from their young larval stage to the adult stage, in this process.
  12. 21. This is the largest group in phylum Arthropoda with over 400,000 different species!
  13. 23. Flies and mosquitoes have six legs and this many wings.
  14. 26. Most insects have these appendages, which help them fly.