Articles of Confederation Review

  1. 3. a loose union of states
  2. 9. This ordinance was a success is admitting new states
  3. 16. A single legislative chamber
  4. 17. Inability to draft threatened this in the United States
  5. 18. The Treaty of Paris (1783) guaranteed the US this
  6. 19. 6 out of 10 or 9 out of 13
  1. 1. The Articles lacked these at the federal level
  2. 2. Daddy, "Des Landes Vater"
  3. 4. Economic activity and trade experienced this under the Articles
  4. 5. The major issue with the federal government under the Articles; too ____
  5. 6. Location of the Constitutional Convention
  6. 7. The federal government could not suppress this in 1786
  7. 8. Farmer and Revolutionary War vet turned rebel
  8. 10. Number of articles (sections) in the Articles of Confederation
  9. 11. unanimous agreement for this to pass; a formal change
  10. 12. No chief executive; feared this
  11. 13. Only one of these parts of our government was present under the Articles
  12. 14. Holders of power under the Articles
  13. 15. System of government the United States operates under today