Artur's Birthday

  1. 2. ulubiony mlodziezowy sport
  2. 6. which national park has he visited the most
  3. 9. ulubiony dziencinny instrument
  4. 10. Name of his brother
  5. 11. what does he drink after work
  6. 13. birthday dude's hometown
  7. 14. Name of the birthday dude's daughter
  8. 15. birthday dude's middle name
  9. 16. ulubione piwo
  1. 1. How old is the birthday dude?
  2. 3. Name of the birthday dude's wife
  3. 4. which season is his least favorite
  4. 5. Name of the birthday dude's son
  5. 7. Name of his sister
  6. 8. pierwszy motor
  7. 12. month he was born in
  8. 14. pierwsze auto w ameryce
  9. 15. the love of his life