  1. 2. Where was ASEAN founded
  2. 7. A form of economic growth from external countries that ASEAN promotes
  3. 9. the country with elongated shape
  4. 13. The country with a compact geographical shape
  5. 14. Where is ASEAN's headquarters
  6. 15. Philippines form of government
  7. 17. the most widespread religion in ASEAN
  8. 18. Old Myanmar military
  9. 20. An organization that promotes cooperation in southeast asian nations
  10. 21. which country has the most Muslims in the world
  1. 1. What is the form of most countries in ASEAN (excluding Laos)
  2. 3. Currency of Thailand
  3. 4. outermost colour of the ASEAN flag
  4. 5. old name of Myanmar
  5. 6. The capital city of Laos
  6. 8. Philippines form of goverment
  7. 10. Where was the latest ASEAN summit held
  8. 11. Thailand form of government
  9. 12. The last country to join ASEAN
  10. 16. which ASEAN country isnt a maritime country
  11. 19. which country in ASEAN is mostly Buddhist