  1. 2. the capital of Indonesia
  2. 4. the country with the Vanda Miss Joaquim as its national flower
  3. 5. its currency is the kyat
  4. 6. the capital of Thailand
  5. 12. the only other Christian state in SEAsia besides the Philippines
  6. 14. the world's largest exporter of black pepper
  7. 16. the capital of Myanmar
  8. 17. made up of 7641 islands
  9. 18. the country with the Angkor Wat
  1. 1. the largest country in SEAsia
  2. 3. the capital of Malaysia
  3. 7. an oil-rich country between the states of Sarawak and Sabah
  4. 8. the capital of Laos
  5. 9. its administrative capital is Putrajaya
  6. 10. the capital of Vietnam
  7. 11. the only country in SEAsia entirely surrounded by land
  8. 12. the only SEAsian country never to have been colonised by a European country
  9. 13. the capital of the Philippines
  10. 15. the capital of Cambodia