  1. 2. the government in Malaysia
  2. 5. the capital city of Cambodia
  3. 7. the emblem that represents peace and stability
  4. 9. the capital city in Laos
  5. 10. the highest ethnics in Laos
  6. 16. location of Asean
  7. 18. the east part of malaysia is...
  8. 23. the head of state in Brunei Darussalam
  9. 24. the highest point in Malaysia
  10. 25. the highest peak in Laos
  11. 26. the highest point of Brunei Darussalam
  12. 28. the official language of Brunei Darussalam
  13. 29. the emblem that decipts courage and dynamism
  14. 30. the emblem that shows purity
  1. 1. the east border of Laos
  2. 3. the lowest religion in Indonesia
  3. 4. the government in Indonesia
  4. 6. the official language in Indonesia
  5. 8. the climate in Brunei Darussalam
  6. 11. people's livelihood in Cambodia is based on...
  7. 12. the emblem that symbolizes prosperity
  8. 13. the capital city in Indonesia
  9. 14. the longest river in Cambodia
  10. 15. Indonesia's highest peak
  11. 17. the north border of Brunei Darussalam
  12. 19. the head of state in Cambodia
  13. 20. the capital city in Malaysia
  14. 21. the official religion in Malaysia
  15. 22. the highest religion in Laos
  16. 27. the communist leader of Cambodia