  1. 4. I want to buy a ... of banana.
  2. 5. I want to drink a bottle of ....
  3. 6. Gunung in English is ....
  4. 8. A bowl of ....
  5. 10. They are very hungry. They want to .... a plate of satay.
  6. 11. Ibu in English is ....
  7. 13. Honey tastes ....
  8. 14. I need a fork to eat it. The color is usuallyy yellow. It is curly. It is ....
  9. 15. Children like me a lot. My taste is sweet. I am ....
  10. 17. Liburan in English is ....
  11. 19. Pahit in English is ....
  1. 1. Ayam goreng in English is ....
  2. 2. r-e-d-a-b The correct order is ....
  3. 3. Ayah in English is ....
  4. 6. Bakso in English is ....
  5. 7. Keluarga in English is .....
  6. 9. Beras in English is ....
  7. 12. What does the lemonade taste?
  8. 16. I want o eat a piece of ....
  9. 18. Fried rice tastes ....