Ashenfelter Biology Scientific Method

  1. 5. in order to avoid bias you can have the data collected by someone who does not know which group is test and which is the control
  2. 6. The group in the experiment that is not being manipulated, there in order to compare results
  3. 7. numeric measurements for data collected
  4. 10. information needed before an experiment
  5. 12. in the science community we will ask more interesting questions and read data in different ways if we have _______ of backgrounds represented
  6. 13. how many variables we want to test at a time
  7. 16. Our preconceived knowledge of the world that shapes how we observe things
  8. 17. when work is shared with a large audience
  9. 19. ____ review - when other experts provide feedback
  10. 21. making an assumption based on prior knowledge
  11. 22. genus of the species we were observing
  1. 1. the steps taken in an experiment
  2. 2. refine this for the experiment at the beginning
  3. 3. observations that are not numeric, like color/texture/smell
  4. 4. to notice the senses or tools
  5. 8. these are simpler, usually highly abundant, organisms used in experiments to learn about humans or other organisms
  6. 9. the part of the experiment one is changing
  7. 11. materials and necessary assets for an experiment
  8. 14. moral principles that guide your behavior, should be considered when testing on live organisms
  9. 15. ____ size, a good experiment has a large one with many test subjects
  10. 18. a run of the experiment, we want many
  11. 20. the group that is being manipulated