Asian American- Historical

  1. 3. The first Sikh, Indian American, and Asian American elected to Congress
  2. 6. Sentenced to death row, his imprisonment spurred a movement that eventually led to his freedom
  3. 8. considered the first Chinese-American movie star in Hollywood
  4. 9. one of the first Japanese American women to become a doctor in the United States, she delivered 10000 babies in her career
  5. 10. known for his contributions to the study of mental health issues of ethnic minorities
  6. 12. described as "one of the fathers of the West Coast labor movement"
  7. 13. Part of the Supreme Court case which established the precedent that any person born in the United States is a citizen by birth
  8. 14. served on Bill Clinton's President's advisory board on Race in 1996
  9. 15. Famous for resisting being sent to Japanese Internment Camps during WW2
  10. 17. One of the leaders of the Delano Grape Strike to raise worker pay
  11. 18. credited with popularizing northern-style Chinese cuisine in the United States through her television presence and cookbooks
  12. 20. the first documented Bangladeshi man to settle in New York City
  13. 21. the youngest American ever to have won a Nobel Prize
  14. 22. the only actor of Asian descent to win an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor
  15. 24. A famous architect who designed the Kennedy Library
  16. 25. issued Chinese visas to Jews in Vienna despite of orders
  17. 26. An activist who supported causes such as the Black Power movement, feminism, and the environment for more than 70 years
  1. 1. First Asian-American Woman to be elected to congress
  2. 2. His death united many asian americans to take up activism and stand against hate-crimes
  3. 4. A native Hawaiian responsible for popularizing surfing
  4. 5. The first Asian-American to win an Olympic gold medal
  5. 7. the first person of East Asian descent to serve as a U.S. Cabinet secretary
  6. 11. Coined the term “Asian-American”
  7. 16. An activist credited with founding Ethnic Studies
  8. 19. A pivotal physicist to the Manhattan Project
  9. 23. the only Republican to have ever served as a senator from Hawaii