Asian Capital Cities by

  1. 1. Which countries cpaital is Baghdad (4)
  2. 5. Which countries cpaital is Jakarta (9)
  3. 7. Which city with a population of nearly two million is the cpaital of the Philippines (6)
  4. 10. Which city is the capital of Oman (6)
  5. 12. Kabul is the capital of where (11)
  6. 13. Which city is the capital of Taiwan (6)
  7. 14. Which countries cpaital is Phnom Penh (8)
  8. 19. Which city is the capital of Mongolia (11)
  9. 21. Sitting off the mainland on an island in the Arabian Gulf what is the capital of United Arab Emirates (3,5)
  10. 23. Which is the largest city and capital of Syria (8)
  11. 25. Which city is the capital of North Korea (9)
  12. 26. Which city is the capital of Jordan (5)
  13. 27. Which city is the capial of Pakistan (9)
  1. 1. New Delhi is the cpaital city of where (5)
  2. 2. Dhaka is capital of which test cricket playing nation (10)
  3. 3. Which city with a population of around one million is the cpaital of Qatar (4)
  4. 4. Which city is the capital of Lebanon (6)
  5. 6. Saudi Arabia' capital city is the third largest in the arab World (6)
  6. 8. Which city is the capital of Nepal (9)
  7. 9. Beijing is the capital of which asian giant (5)
  8. 11. Which city is the capital of Kuwait (6,4)
  9. 12. Which countries capital is Yerevan (7)
  10. 15. Tehran is the cpaital of which country (4)
  11. 16. Which city is Thailand's capital (7)
  12. 17. Which city is the capital of Malaysia (5,6)
  13. 18. Which country, who's capital city is Tokyo, is the next Summer Olympic host (5)
  14. 20. Jerusalem is the cpaital of which country (6)
  15. 22. Vietnam's capital has a population of eight million (5)
  16. 24. Which city is the capital of the Maldives (4)
  17. 28. South Korea capital and host of the 1988 Summer Olympics (5)