Asian Countries

  1. 1. Located at the intersection of Eastern Europe and Western Asia.
  2. 3. Known for its diverse culture spices and Bollywood.
  3. 4. An island nation in the Indian Ocean.
  4. 8. Home to the historic Angkor Wat temple complex.
  5. 9. A small oil-rich sultanate on the island of Borneo.
  6. 10. An island nation in the Eastern Mediterranean.
  7. 13. Known for its mountainous terrain and nomadic culture.
  8. 14. A landlocked country in Central Asia.
  9. 15. Located at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia.
  10. 18. Part of the historical Mesopotamia.
  11. 20. Known for its diverse culture and tropical rainforests.
  12. 21. A landlocked country in Southeast Asia.
  13. 22. A country with a rich culinary tradition.
  14. 23. Known for its ancient history and Persian culture.
  1. 2. A country with deep historical and religious significance.
  2. 5. An archipelago with diverse cultures and natural beauty.
  3. 6. Known for its stunning Himalayan landscapes.
  4. 7. Home to the historic Petra archaeological site.
  5. 10. The world's most populous country with a rich history.
  6. 11. A densely populated country in South Asia.
  7. 12. Known for sushi cherry blossoms and high-tech gadgets.
  8. 13. A small but wealthy country in the Persian Gulf.
  9. 16. An island nation in the Persian Gulf.
  10. 17. Known for its rich history and culture.
  11. 19. The world's largest landlocked country.