- 2. This organization is responsible for helping us explore and learn about the Universe
- 5. The only moon in the Solar System with an atmosphere; also Saturn’s largest moon
- 7. More spacecraft have been sent to this planet than any other
- 9. If you put this planet in water, it would float.
- 11. The planet that is closest to the Sun
- 13. This planet has supersonic winds
- 15. The name of the first person to walk on the Moon
- 16. This person manages the costs, technical, schedule, and risks of a program: __________ Manager
- 17. The largest planet in the Solar System
- 1. The name of someone that goes into space; The Greek name for a “Star Sailor”
- 3. Right now, how many minutes does it take for light to get from Saturn to the Earth?
- 4. 13.8 billion years ago, this started with a “bang”. The ___________
- 6. This is the name of the spacecraft that NASA sent to Saturn which arrived in 2004
- 8. The name of the first person to go into space
- 10. This type of engineer designs, builds, and tests spacecraft: __________ Engineer
- 11. What is the only place in the Solar System that people have physically visited. The _______
- 12. This planet has no moons but does have the most volcanoes of any planet in the Solar System
- 14. This planet is 4.54 billion years old and beyond a doubt, the most important.
- 16. In 2006, this planet was demoted to a dwarf planet; Also Mickey’s dog
- 17. This organization is responsible for robotic exploration of the Solar System - The Mars rovers were made here.