Ask an Engineer

  1. 2. This organization is responsible for helping us explore and learn about the Universe
  2. 5. The only moon in the Solar System with an atmosphere; also Saturn’s largest moon
  3. 7. More spacecraft have been sent to this planet than any other
  4. 9. If you put this planet in water, it would float.
  5. 11. The planet that is closest to the Sun
  6. 13. This planet has supersonic winds
  7. 15. The name of the first person to walk on the Moon
  8. 16. This person manages the costs, technical, schedule, and risks of a program: __________ Manager
  9. 17. The largest planet in the Solar System
  1. 1. The name of someone that goes into space; The Greek name for a “Star Sailor”
  2. 3. Right now, how many minutes does it take for light to get from Saturn to the Earth?
  3. 4. 13.8 billion years ago, this started with a “bang”. The ___________
  4. 6. This is the name of the spacecraft that NASA sent to Saturn which arrived in 2004
  5. 8. The name of the first person to go into space
  6. 10. This type of engineer designs, builds, and tests spacecraft: __________ Engineer
  7. 11. What is the only place in the Solar System that people have physically visited. The _______
  8. 12. This planet has no moons but does have the most volcanoes of any planet in the Solar System
  9. 14. This planet is 4.54 billion years old and beyond a doubt, the most important.
  10. 16. In 2006, this planet was demoted to a dwarf planet; Also Mickey’s dog
  11. 17. This organization is responsible for robotic exploration of the Solar System - The Mars rovers were made here.