Assistance Levels and WB Status

  1. 2. patient performs 50-74% of the activity, physical assistance is required for the activity
  2. 4. prescribed amount as a percentage or number of patient's body weight, usually 20-50%
  3. 8. patient requires verbal cues, directions, or instructions, but no physical assistance
  4. 10. process of unweighting and moving limbs
  5. 11. patient does not require any assistance or extra time
  6. 13. steadying patient post transfer
  7. 14. also known as FFWB or TDWB, toes or foot may rest on ground, weight bearing between 22-33lbs
  8. 15. patient performs 25-49% of the activity
  9. 16. patient uses adaptive or assistive equipment, may need extra time, but does not require physical assistance from another person
  1. 1. patient performs 75% or more of the activity but physical assistance is still required
  2. 3. patient does not require any physical assistance but requires this from 50' away
  3. 5. giving instruction or educating the patient
  4. 6. weight bearing with no restrictions or limitations
  5. 7. as much or as little weight as the patient can bear, typically 50-100%
  6. 9. hands on direction
  7. 12. patient requires hands on assistance for protection or safety
  8. 17. 0% contact of affected limb