Assistive Technology and Other Health Impairments

  1. 4. children diagnosed with type 1 are dependent on this
  2. 7. this mid tech equipment helps enlarge print
  3. 8. it cleans the air so it's known as an air filter or air ....
  4. 9. it causes people to have recurring seizures
  5. 11. it's nohype that this facilitates real time communication to an absent student
  1. 1. type 1 and type 2
  2. 2. it may be identified by a butterfly rash
  3. 3. this type of furniture could help ease pain and support persons with chronic weight loss
  4. 5. this is no toy to someone with mobility problems
  5. 6. low tech but seen to clear up vision
  6. 10. the silent and unseen trigger that causes flare ups in many health impairments