Asteroids, Comets and Meteorids

  1. 3. A trillion more comets live in an area known as the
  2. 5. When the Earth travels through the burning particles from a comet, it creates
  3. 10. Comets are also known as this
  4. 12. The coldest of the planets
  5. 13. First asteroid discovered in 1801.
  6. 17. Metallic, rocky objects in space.
  7. 18. When the bright streak of light appears as a meteoroid enters the atmosphere, it is called a ________
  8. 19. A mass of frozen gas, cosmic dust and ice crystals
  1. 1. The planet demoted to a "Dwarf Planet" status
  2. 2. Tens of thousands of asteroids found between the orbits of mars and Jupiter
  3. 4. When a meteoroid enters a planets atmosphere, it burns up due to ___________
  4. 6. Comets orbit the sun in this area beyond Neptune
  5. 7. Because asteroids are too small to be classified as planets, they are known as?
  6. 8. Pieces of rocks and metal dislodged from comets, planets, asteroids or moons.
  7. 9. A small satellite near the asteroid Ida. (captions are useful)
  8. 11. One of the many large asteroids found in the main belt.
  9. 14. The Dead Red Planet
  10. 15. The first of the outer planets
  11. 16. When a large meteoroid enters an atmosphere and a piece of it lands on the planet it is called _________