Astronomy 101 Chapter 13 Crossword

  1. 4. First exoplanet was detected in 1992, orbiting this type of star
  2. 5. Hot Jupiters have high __________________
  3. 7. This is when a planet moves in front of a star
  4. 13. Method of detecting planets
  5. 16. Technique of planet detection
  6. 17. The Sun moves in response to ____________ from Jupiter, and all the planets
  7. 18. When a star is moving toward us, its light is ________________
  8. 19. A sun-like star is about one ________________ times as bright as the light from its planets
  9. 20. The Doppler method can tell us the _____________ of a planet, but not always precisely
  1. 1. This is when a planet move behind a star
  2. 2. Way in which astronomer detect most exoplanets
  3. 3. This mission looks for Earth-like exoplanets
  4. 6. Theory to explain close in Jovian planets in exosystems
  5. 8. The transit method can tell us the ____________ of a planet
  6. 9. Astronomer responsible for figuring out other stars were also suns
  7. 10. Planets outside our own solar system
  8. 11. These exoplanets are jovian, and orbit very close to their parent stars
  9. 12. With both eclipses and transits of planets we look for changes in this
  10. 14. When a star is moving away from us, its light is _____________
  11. 15. Hot Jupiters have very short ______________