
  1. 1. Sunlight that is highly concentrated or focused; causes summer
  2. 3. distance north or south of the Equator, measured in degrees
  3. 4. first moon fase
  4. 6. the season after summer
  5. 7. Earth has seasons because its axis is tilted as it moves around the sun.
  6. 8. 23.5 degrees
  7. 10. the warmest season of the year
  8. 13. The movement of an object around another object
  9. 14. A force of attraction between objects that is due to their masses.
  10. 15. The spinning of Earth on its axis
  11. 17. hemisphere north of the equator
  12. 18. one half of the earth
  1. 2. Sunlight that has low concentration or is spread across a large area; causes winter
  2. 5. the coldest season of the year
  3. 9. the season after winter and before summer
  4. 11. An imaginary circle around the middle of the earth, halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole
  5. 12. the half of the Earth south of the equator
  6. 16. An imaginary line that passes through Earth's center and the North and South poles, about which Earth rotates