
  1. 1. Planet closest in size to Earth
  2. 5. Closest planet to the sun
  3. 7. What happens when you go through a black hole
  4. 11. Planets that can support life
  5. 13. Country that sent the first man to space
  6. 15. President that initiated the space race
  1. 2. When the moon is between the Earth and the Sun(phase)
  2. 3. Number of dwarf planets that have been discovered
  3. 4. Planet that is known for a large solar system
  4. 6. Distance between the Earth and the Sun
  5. 8. The mythology that gives many planets their names
  6. 9. Planet with two moons
  7. 10. Separates the inner and outer planets
  8. 12. Planet that can float on water
  9. 14. Highest mountain in the solar system