Astronomy crossword

  1. 4. Something related to the moon
  2. 6. More known as solar eclipse
  3. 7. We are on earth's
  4. 9. Most planets have at least 1
  5. 12. It keeps us on earth
  6. 14. All the planets are in it
  1. 1. One is known as the milky way
  2. 2. The atmosphere is heated by it
  3. 3. Theres 8 of them
  4. 5. You do it to find information about planets
  5. 7. When you leave earth your in it
  6. 8. objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.
  7. 10. When the moon moves its in a new???
  8. 11. energy from the suns rays
  9. 13. Gravity is a force that creates them