Astronomy Review

  1. 3. Very small "planets" without a clear orbital path around the Sun
  2. 6. Oval path planets take as they revolve around the Sun
  3. 8. Average distance from the Sun to Earth (93 million miles)
  4. 10. Man who developed the heliocentric model of the Solar-System in the 1500's
  5. 11. Planet that rotates on it side (aka rolls around the Sun)
  6. 13. Space rock revolving around the Sun that is too small to be considered a planet
  7. 14. Group of planets with solid rocky surfaces
  8. 15. Distance light travels in a single year
  1. 1. Planet with the largest volcano in the Solar-System (Olympus Mons)
  2. 2. Model of the Solar-System that places the Sun at the center
  3. 4. Causes planets to experience years
  4. 5. Collection of stars (Solar-Systems)
  5. 7. Hottest planet in the Solar-System
  6. 9. Causes planets to experience day & night
  7. 12. Sun & Everything that revolves around it