ASYS 245 - A/C Stability and Control

  1. 3. The less stable an aircraft is, the ________ maneuverable it will be
  2. 5. Stability around the lateral axis is known as ________ stability
  3. 7. Stability around the vertical axis is known as ________ stability
  4. 9. Stability around the longitudinal axis is known as ________ stability
  5. 12. Part of the airplane used to achieve directional stability
  6. 15. The upward angle of the wings which helps lateral stability
  7. 16. Flight control that affects the longitudinal or roll axis
  8. 18. Moving the C of G forward of the center of pressure will result in a _______ stalling speed
  9. 19. Part of the airplane used to achieve lateral stability
  1. 1. The tendency for an aircrafts oscillations to neither increase or decrease would be referred to as __________ dynamic stability
  2. 2. The tendency for an aircraft to oscillate about it axes, with the oscillations decreasing in magnitude over time would be an example of _________ dynamic stability
  3. 4. Part of the airplane used to achieve longitudinal stability
  4. 6. When the aircraft design has negative static stability (unstable), it has a natural tendency to move _______ from its original position after a disturbance
  5. 8. Flight control that affects the lateral or pitch axis
  6. 10. Yaw force in opposite direction of turn caused by the drag generated by the down going aileron is called
  7. 11. A C of G which is too far left or right of the centerline of the aircraft will create an instability in the _______ axis
  8. 13. Loading the aircraft so the C of G is aft of the center of pressure will create an instability on which axis?
  9. 14. Flight control that affects the vertical or yaw axis
  10. 17. If an aircraft design has positive static stability (stable) and its tendency is to oscillate, with the oscillations increasing in magnitude until the aircraft loses control it has ________ dynamic stability