At the office

  1. 3. object to punch out paper
  2. 6. object to paste things
  3. 8. object that we use to write or print
  4. 10. object to staple things
  5. 11. the place where is the PC
  6. 14. object to talk with others
  7. 15. object to cut paper
  8. 16. object to print
  9. 17. object to cut all materials
  10. 18. fluid that expulse the octopus
  1. 1. object with ink to write
  2. 2. object where you sit down
  3. 4. object made of wire to put together the paper
  4. 5. object made o rubber to do a sign in the paper
  5. 7. object to do works and use internet
  6. 9. object to look at the time
  7. 12. little pieces of paper
  8. 13. object to save important documents