At the Pumpkin Patch

  1. 2. Made by boiling down fruits. This is great on toast in the mornings.
  2. 4. A ride through the fields in a wagon that generally carries hay.
  3. 7. A place where kids can pet animals.
  4. 8. fall colour + colour of a pumpkin
  5. 12. A large orange gourd.
  6. 13. Traditionally found at fairs these offer fun to thrill-seekers.
  7. 14. We watch them change colours on trees before they fall.
  8. 15. 10th month of the year.
  9. 17. we wear these to keep warm on chilly fall days.
  10. 18. A celebration in October where kids dress up.
  1. 1. What we call a carved pumpkin.
  2. 3. General season where we visit a pumpkin patch
  3. 5. Often made of corn - you can spend hours in them getting lost.
  4. 6. Fried dough in the shape of a loop that pairs great with coffee.
  5. 9. We pick these in an orchard.
  6. 10. A warm fall drink made from apples.
  7. 11. Delicious baked good we make with pumpkins.
  8. 16. Often eaten after supper, it's the best part of the meal.