Atom Bomb

  1. 2. the first coffee date location
  2. 5. what jen loves to play with to self soothe
  3. 8. the sound bb makes
  4. 10. jen's liddo sling buddy
  5. 11. the cartoon blob that loves coffee and naps
  6. 13. the korean pronunciation of babe
  7. 14. the captain's "home"
  1. 1. where jen (& ash) would one day move to
  2. 3. ash's future sister's name
  3. 4. a grey, white, && black tornado of a pup
  4. 6. cosmic stardust, rocket-pop, and strawberry, oh my!
  5. 7. the korean star
  6. 9. name of our home
  7. 12. "i hope i make a good _____"