Atomic Theory

  1. 3. rutherford's model of the atom
  2. 4. neutral/no charge particle
  3. 5. negatively charged particle
  4. 6. quantum model of the atom
  5. 9. planetary model of the atom
  6. 11. bohr called electron's orbits-
  7. 13. all matter is made of-
  8. 15. solid sphere model of the atom
  9. 17. jj thomson's model of the atom
  1. 1. jj thomson's experiment
  2. 2. discovered the nucleus and protons
  3. 7. discovered the electron
  4. 8. discovered that electrons are negatively charged
  5. 10. positively charged particle
  6. 12. the experiment rutherford performed
  7. 14. discovered the neutron
  8. 16. millikan's experiment