Atomic Theory

  1. 5. Neutral subatomic particle in nucleus
  2. 6. Different number of neutrons in atom; Proved Dalton's theory that atoms of the same element are identical in all ways wrong
  3. 8. Indivisible, spheres
  4. 11. Electrons act as standing waves around the nucleus
  5. 12. Hypothesized that electrons orbit at specific energy levels around the atom
  6. 14. Negatively charged subatomic particle around the nucleus
  7. 15. Protons and neutrons located in the nucleus with electrons scattered around it
  8. 16. Discovered the electron
  9. 17. Ray of electrons
  10. 18. Experiment where alpha particles were fired at a gold foil; Led to discovery of nucleus
  11. 19. electrons act as both waves and particles
  1. 1. AMU
  2. 2. Electrons are embedded in a sea of positive charge
  3. 3. Charge of alpha particle
  4. 4. Energy required to remove an electron
  5. 7. Positively charged subatomic particle in nucleus
  6. 9. Electrons orbit around the nucleus at specific energy levels
  7. 10. British school teacher who hypothesized the atom as the fundamental building block
  8. 13. Discovered the nucleus