Atoms and the Periodic Table

  1. 1. Elements with their outer energy level filled with electrons do not combine with other elements to form compounds.
  2. 3. The smallest piece of matter that still has chemical properties.
  3. 7. One of the 4 families of the Periodic Table with special names. Shiny metal. Highly reactive, reacts strongly with water to produce Hydrogen gas.
  4. 9. The number of protons in an element.
  5. 10. An atom with a positive or negative charged due to more or less electrons than the number of protons in the nucleus.
  6. 11. One of the 4 families of the Periodic Table with special names. Somewhat shiny metal. Fairly highly reactive, reacts moderately with water to produce Hydrogen gas.
  7. 15. A combination of 2 or more elements that are chemically combined.
  8. 19. One of the 3 major classifications of elements on the Periodic Table. Good conductors of heat and electricity, shiny, ductile and malleable.
  9. 21. The arrangement of elements on a table based on their atomic number and their properties.
  10. 22. Tells which elements are in a compound and their ratios.
  11. 23. One of the 4 families of the Periodic Table with special names. Mostly gases and liquids. Highly reactive, does not react with water.
  12. 24. The negatively charged particle in the electron cloud and a mass so small as to be insegnificant.
  1. 2. The qualities of the elements that organize them on the periodic table.
  2. 4. Particles, like protons, neutrons, and electrons; that are smaller than the atom.
  3. 5. A column on the periodic table, also called a family, containing elements with the same number of valence electrons.
  4. 6. A horizontal row on the periodic table.
  5. 8. One of the 3 major classifications of elements on the Periodic Table. Have properties of both metals and nonmetals.
  6. 9. The measure of the mass of an element found by totaling the number of protons and neutrons.
  7. 12. An abbreviated, one or two letter symbol, used to write an element's name, beginning with a capital letter.
  8. 13. A particle in the nucleus with a neutral, or no, charge and a mass of 1 AMU.
  9. 14. A particle in the nucleus with a positive charge and a mass of 1 AMU.
  10. 16. One of the 4 families of the Periodic Table with special names. All gases. Completely unreactive in nature.
  11. 17. The tiny, dense, positively charged region in the center of an atom.
  12. 18. One of the 3 major classifications of elements on the Periodic Table. Not good conductors, dull colored and brittle.
  13. 20. One of a hundred or so pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances