Atonement Theories

  1. 2. the focus of Moral Influence theory is Christ's -------
  2. 3. Calvin's three offices of Christ
  3. 4. Christ the Victor Theory
  4. 8. Anselm's question, "Why did God become -----?"
  5. 10. word starting with 'a'
  6. 11. Anslem is credited with this theory
  7. 12. ------ conflict or Christ the Victor
  8. 13. God acts in ---- towards humanity
  9. 15. important salvation concept for Feminist and Liberation theologians
  10. 17. Reformation leader who developed the Satisfaction Theory further
  11. 18. Barth's two themes, "---- as Servant
  1. 1. What Christ achieves for humanity with God
  2. 5. Barth's two themes, "------- as Lord
  3. 6. Calvin's three offices of Christ
  4. 7. The atoning work of Christ encompasses which aspects of the Gospel story?
  5. 9. The New Testament has many --------- of atonement
  6. 11. The Moral Influence Theory is this
  7. 14. Calvin's three offices of Christ
  8. 16. credited with the Moral Influence Theory