Atonement Theories

  1. 2. The atoning work of Christ encompasses which parts of Jesus' life?
  2. 6. The focus of Moral Influence theory is Christ's -------
  3. 8. ------ conflict or Christ the Victor
  4. 11. One of Barth's two themes, "---- as Servant
  5. 12. One of Calvin's three offices of Christ
  6. 13. Anslem is credited with this theory
  7. 15. Important word starting with 'a'
  8. 16. The New Testament has many --------- of atonement
  9. 18. One of Calvin's three offices of Christ
  1. 1. What Christ achieves for humanity with God
  2. 3. Important salvation concept for Feminist and Liberation theologians
  3. 4. Anselm's question, "Why did God become -----?"
  4. 5. Christ the ------ Theory
  5. 7. God acts in ---- towards humanity
  6. 9. Reformation leader who developed the Satisfaction Theory further
  7. 10. One of Barth's two themes, "------- as Lord
  8. 13. The Moral Influence Theory is not objective it is...
  9. 14. Person credited with the Moral Influence Theory
  10. 17. One of Calvin's three offices of Christ