Atrial Fibrillation

  1. 3. "Holiday Heart Syndrome" is caused by excessive intake of____
  2. 4. The "S" in CHADS2 is for stroke and prior___
  3. 5. Cardioversion uses ______ current used to reset heart rythmn to normal
  4. 9. About 15-20% of all _____ occur in patients with AF.
  5. 11. Long standing AF (more than 1 year). In which cardioversion has failed.
  6. 13. Devise implanted in the LAA to block formation and release of clots
  7. 15. ____ Blockers can be used for both rate and rythmn control
  8. 17. First name of current Steelers starting Quarterback (has 2 Superbowl rings)
  1. 1. Atenolo
  2. 2. Atrial _____ is characterized on an ECG by a saw-tooth pattern
  3. 6. Any AF incedent beyond first-detected episode is ____ AF
  4. 7. A Fib is the most common type of______
  5. 8. Last name of current Eagles starting QB (has 0 Super bowl rings)
  6. 10. lack of blood flow that is caused by blocked blood vessel
  7. 11. Normal____ rate is 60-100 bpm
  8. 12. The upper heart chambers
  9. 14. The "A" in CHADS2
  10. 16. Transeosphageal echcardiography